In the meantime, researchers funded by VLIR-UOS (Professors Benoît Dhed'a, Hypolite Nshimba, and Didy Onautshu and their team) are trying to find out substances based on medicinal plants. The purpose is to strengthen plants resistance to diseases. Professor Onautshu is warning, "On the one hand, small farmers had better take ownership of new cultivation practices. On the other hand, sustainable agriculture without plants sanitation is a nearly zero effort".
Pr Onautshu Unveils Plan to Forthcoming Innovations
The plan focuses on supplying more cassava to Minofacs and meeting the HQCF rush of orders. "Which is why VLIR-SA should purchase further processing equipment not only linked to the cassava value chain, but also to that of plantain, maize, and soja", Pr Onautshu unveils. He plans to be in a position to satisfy consumers' and farmers' requirements at the same time.
On the one hand, encouraging farmers so that market demands undoubtedly requires them to increase their cassava yield per hectare. Minofacs will continue buying cassava from farmers who for generations devoted their lives to feeding urban populations. On the other hand, to meet the rush of orders from consumers, Pr Onautshu intends to buy more processing equipment not only to further improve the cassava value chain, but also that of plantain, maize, and soya.
In particular, there is a need to purchase a miller for each kind of product such as an electric dryer to be installed in a hall, which has just been renovated, to fasten the drying and then come to zero % of cyanide and aflatoxin. That is, tools, equipment, and other materials that are useful to set the quality standard. Minofacs would be in a position to provide plantain flor, maize flour, baking flour, thrice the 460 km of HQCF per week, starch, and so on...
Dealing with plantain, mushroom, and cassava, VLIR-Sustainable agriculture funded by VLIR-UOS is a project with participants from the University of Kisangani and rural communities across the DRC's North-Eastern Basin where stands Kisangani and its surrounding countryside, Bafwasende, Nyanya, and Mambasa.